Like Great Giveaways? These Summer Ones Will Spark Some Fires!
I have the honor of being part of some sweet summer giveaways this summer, and that means you get to enter them. Yay!
Who doesn't love contests and free stuff? Right? I know you're nodding along with me. If you love these giveaways, I'd be one happy author if you'd share with others ;-). I appreciate your awesomeness in advance for doing so!
For all you paranormal romance addicts, cause I'm one too, PNR Lovers is hosting some great chances for you to win gift cards worth up to $300. If that hot, leather-clad guy pic below doesn't get you to check out these awesome authors and giveaway, nothing will. Click on the link below to enter!
Paranormal Romance Lovers Giveaway!
Still want more? Of course you do, and I love you for it. Authors of the hottest paranormal romance and urban fantasy have come together to bring you books to devour and a giveaway that's hard to resist. Click on the link below to discover some of the most addictive writers you'll find this summer.
The Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Giveaway!
100 Delicious Books You Should Devour ASAP!
Happy Romance Giveaway Entering and Reading!