Monday, July 13, 2015

The Brixton Finish Line!

Getting to the Brixton Sister Finish Line!

Okay, so I have to apologize for the craziness of life. I've been MIA from this lovely blog for months. Life has thrown me a few curveballs. My EDJ (Evil Day Job) and everyday life are in limbo, and it's been hard to write.

I've realized though that inspiration doesn't always come to you. Sometimes you have look for trails, hunt it down, and shoot that sucker right in the eyes. This is coming right after seeing Jurassic World, so excuse my predator lingo.

I've been delayed in getting Carmen's story out because life placed a mental block there. However, I had to remember that Charice and Claire's stories didn't come easy to me either. Sometimes you have to just tune the world out and get your ass in the chair.

Now, I have a reason to do just that. I will be doing a book tour with The Alpha Warlocks' Desire in the beginning of August with Diverse Book Tours. I want Carmen's story to be out before then so readers can get the full Alpha Warlocks of Kala West experience, and for those of you who've been with it since the beginning, to get that promised third story.

So this week, my ass will be tuning shit out. The crazy stuff that depresses you and makes you sad as hell will not affect me. I have some writing to do. I have some readers to please. I have a world that needs continuing. The Alpha Warlocks Own must happen, and it must happen now.

If you see me around in social media land, say hi. Then promptly command my crazy behind to get back to writing. As I've mentioned before, Carmen's story isn't the last story in the world of Kala West. There's a lot of work to be done.

Until then, here's a picture of the Florida Keys, similar to how I see Kala West beaches, to give you a little visual stimulation:

In other news, I'm happy to say that my first in the series, The Alpha Warlocks' Claim, is part of an amazing bundle of ménage romance stories called Double Your Pleasure. If you're in the UK, you can get it HERE. Even if you've read Charice's story in this first installment, some amazing authors are part of this bundle. Check them out! For less than a dollar, you can't go wrong.

Happy Sensual Reading,
